Hibernicor’s Asporto heart transplant device has been selected as a finalist in the Emerging Medical Innovation Valuation Competition, as part of the Design of Medical Devices Conference at the University of Minnesota. Hibernicor was one of five finalists among 24 submissions from 10 states and four countries.
Design of Medical Devices Conference April 13-16 2015
The Emerging Medical Innovation Valuation Competition, to be held during the annual Design of Medical Devices Conference (hosted by the University of Minnesota’s Medical Devices Center, College of Science and Engineering, and Academic Health Center) will provide a way for researchers and inventors to get immediate project feedback from leaders in medical technology research, engineering, and development.
This competition is for inventors (including students, faculty, staff, and corporations) seeking investor support to reach the next stage of development. Initial submissions should be no more than 10 slides summarizing the medical innovation. Judges will review and invite six inventors to give succinct, eight-minute presentations at the DMD Conference in April 2015.
Faculty and fellows from the Medical Industry Valuation Laboratory will provide feedback and determine the top three innovations—those that hold the greatest return on investment and investment potential. The top three presenters will be awarded a full valuation, including a presentation and report, of their technologies from the University of Minnesota’s Medical Industry Valuation Laboratory, valued at $15,000 per project. Winners will be announced at the conference’s keynote luncheon.
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